
A Technique for Marking Marsupial Pouch Young With Fluorescent Pigment Tattoos

In: Wildlife Research, Band 15, Heft 5, S. 561

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Small quantities of fluorescent pigments were tattooed into the pinnae of pouch young Dasyurus
geoffroii and Isoodon obesulus (Marsupialia), and into the pinnae of 5-day-old Mus rnusculus
(Rodentia). The tattoos contrasted sharply with natural skin pigmentation when scanned with a UV
light. Of 11 pigments tested, Flare 610 pigments were the most persistent, remaining visible for a
minimum of 6 months. The technique facilitates rapid, cheap and reliable marking of marsupial pouch
young, and should be generally applicable for determining filial relationships in a wide range of
marsupial species.




CSIRO Publishing



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