Aufsatz(elektronisch)1. November 1998

Review: Countryside in Trust: Land Management by Conservation, Recreation and Amenity Organisations, Our Urban Future: New Paradigms for Equity and Sustainability, Paris, Mathematical Location and Land Use Theory: An Introduction, Experiences with Integrated-Conservation Development Projects in Asia, Preserving Nature in the National Parks: A History, Time Discounting and Future Generations: The Harmful Effects of an Untrue Economic Theory, Fragments: Cool Memories III, 1991–95, Globalising Food: Agrarian Questions and Global Restructuring, Politics, Geography and 'Political Geography': A Critical Perspective, Small Firms: Entrepreneurship in the Nineties, Ecocritique: Contesting the Politics of Nature, Economy, and Culture, Invincible Green Suburbs, Brave New Towns: Social Change and Urban Dispersal in Postwar England, Flood Response and Crisis Management in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis

In: Environment and planning. A, Band 30, Heft 11, S. 2079-2093

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SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1472-3409



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