Aufsatz(elektronisch)Juni 1999

Neuropsychological Toxicology

In: European psychologist, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 90-105

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Humans exposed to neurotoxins may exhibit alterations in cognitive and affective functioning and report a wide range of subjective symptoms. The multidisciplinary field of "neuropsychological toxicology" provides a framework for the systematic assessment and interpretation of adverse effects. Neuropsychological assessment is of interest not only to clinicians, but also to regulatory and legislative authorities. The importance of neuropsychological toxicology in the area of occupational risk research is increasingly being recognized. Possible fields of application include behavioral monitoring for preventive purposes, expert assessment in the context of compensation cases, and treatment in rehabilitation programs. This article reviews common research approaches, selected findings, and methodological problems of this emerging discipline and summarizes the implications for related fields of psychological research.




Hogrefe Publishing Group

ISSN: 1878-531X



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