
Berkeley's Querist and its Influence

In: Journal of the history of economic thought, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 38-60

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George Berkeley is unusual among economists for his practical dedication. While a great many pamphleteers write about acting for the "public good" it is rare to find someone involved in such acts on an everyday basis.Our spinning-school is in a thriving way. The children begin to find a pleasure in being paid in hard money; which I understand they will not give to their parents, but keep to buy clothes for themselves. Indeed I found it difficult and tedious to bring them to this; but I believe it will now do. I am building a workhouse for sturdy vagrants, and design to raise about two acres of hemp for employing them. Can you put me in a way of getting hempseed; or does your Society distribute any? It is hoped your flax-seed will come in time (Fraser 1871, p. 248).




Cambridge University Press (CUP)

ISSN: 1469-9656



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