Aufsatz(elektronisch)Februar 2010

Built Heritage Conservation and the Voluntary Sector: The Case of the Tung Wah Coffin Home in Hong Kong

In: International journal of cultural property, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 87-107

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractBuilt heritage conservation is not easily achievable through the market, as it involves use of urban space and thus opportunity cost. The problem is more serious if there is no government support. This is the case in Hong Kong, where both the market and the state are not favorable to built heritage conservation. However, in 2005, through a local voluntary organization, a built heritage of Hong Kong—the Tung Wah Coffin Home—was conserved, and the project won one local and one regional conservation award. While conservation of built heritage by the voluntary sector has been common among developed countries, it is new in Hong Kong. This article first situates the issue in a general political-economy perspective and then analyzes the case of the Tung Wah Coffin Home, in particular, in the context of Hong Kong. The purpose is to examine what this case tells us about the role of the voluntary sector and its relationship with the government in providing built heritage conservation.




Cambridge University Press (CUP)

ISSN: 1465-7317



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