Aufsatz(elektronisch)6. Januar 2011

'The Arithmetic of Compassion': Rethinking the Politics of Photography

In: British journal of political science, Band 41, Heft 3, S. 621-643

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Compassion, theorists from Arendt to Nussbaum suggest, carries an ineluctable pressure to identify with individual suffering. The very idea of a politics of compassion verges on incoherence. Politics typically demands attention to the aggregate and it is just there that compassion falters. This is a problem for critics addressing the politics of photography, who typically presume that the point of photographs must be to elicit compassion among viewers. But a proper understanding of compassion makes this presumption highly problematic. The role of compassion in exemplary writings on the politics of photography reflects a fixation with 'emblematic' individual subjects in 'classic' American documentary practice, which prevents critics from properly grasping the best of contemporary documentary. The conclusion is that promoting solidarity provides a more plausible, if elusive, aim for the politics of photography.




Cambridge University Press (CUP)

ISSN: 1469-2112



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