
Pedro A.T

In: International law reports, Band 86, S. 496-499

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


496Treaties — Interpretation — Principles of interpretation — Definition of narcotic drugs — Whether including amphetamines — Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 — Vienna Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1971Treaties — Effect in municipal law — Entry into force — Requirement of prior publication in State official journal — Whether publication of complete text required — Whether annexes require publicationHuman rights — Criminal penalty — Prohibition of retroactive criminal legislation — Whether extension of categories of narcotic drugs by international treaty may be given retroactive effectRelationship of international law and municipal law — Treaties — Incorporation into municipal law — Requirement of publication in entirety in State official journal — The law of Spain




Cambridge University Press (CUP)

ISSN: 2633-707X



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