
Querouil v. Breton

In: International law reports, Band 70, S. 388-392

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


International law in general — Sources — Customary international law — Treaty as evidence of current practice in international law — Whether binding on non-ratifying State — Statement of executive as evidence of custom — The law of France
States as international persons — In general — Sovereignty and independence — Conduct of foreign relations — Conclusiveness of statements of the Executive — International convention signed but not yet ratified by State — Executive statement that convention embodies principles of customary international law — Whether courts should take notice of this statement — Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961 — The law of France
Treaties — Conclusion and operation of — Effect of treaties on third parties — Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961 — Whether codification of existing international law — Whether binding on non-ratifying States as evidence of current practice — The law of France
Diplomatic and consular intercourse and privileges — Permanent diplomatic envoys — Privileges and immunities of — Diplomatic envoys and their staff — Envoy a national of receiving State — Action for eviction from private residence — Whether envoy entitled to immunity from jurisdiction — Immunity limited to acts performed in exercise of diplomatic functions — Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961, Article 38(1) — Whether codification of existing international law — Whether Convention binding on non-ratifying States as evidence of current practice in international law — Statement of Executive as evidence of custom — The law of France




Cambridge University Press (CUP)

ISSN: 2633-707X



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