Aufsatz(elektronisch)1. Februar 2025

The private sector is hoarding AI researchers: what implications for science?

In: AI & society: the journal of human-centred systems and machine intelligence

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The migration of artificial intelligence (AI) researchers from academia to industry has recently sparked concerns about its implications for scientific progress. Can academia retain enough talent to shape AI advancements and counterbalance the growing influence of corporate AI labs? Analyzing OpenAlex data, we find a significant transition of premier talent to industry roles over the past decade, particularly to major tech firms. Young, highly cited scholars from leading institutions are the most likely to make this move. Following the transition, their research tends to show reduced novelty and impact. This industry-dominant shift in AI research highlights worries of an "AI brain drain", the sidelining of exploratory science for commercial interests, and the potential misalignment with societal goals.




Springer Science and Business Media LLC

ISSN: 1435-5655



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