Aufsatz(elektronisch)Dezember 1989

The design of evolutionary guidance systems

In: Systems research, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 289-295

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractToday we are standing at a critical juncture of societal evolution at which unprecedented human fulfillment as well as the annihilation of the human race are equally possible. However, we are not at the mercy of evolutionary forces but have the potential and the opportunity to give direction to societal evolution by design, provided we create a vision for the future of humankind and develop the will and the competence to realize that vision in all of our human systems, from the family on to the global system of humanity.First I present a brief overview of societal evolution and point out evolutionary gaps that are potential sources of our destruction. I will then suggest we have the power within us to steer societal evolution toward a hoped‐for future, provided we: (1) develop evolutionary consciousness, (2) create an evolutionary vision for societal development, (3) acquire evolutionary competence, and (4) apply our competence in guiding the evolution and development of our sociocultural and socio‐technical systems.In the third part, I elaborate on item (4) above and discuss: (a) a general model for evolutionary guidance, (b) the role of design in societal evolution, and (c) the process by which Evolutionary Guidance Systems can be created and used in societal development.

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