Aufsatz(elektronisch)April 2000

Table of Contents

In: The major gifts report: monthly ideas to unlock your major gifts potential, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 1-8

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft



Pursue New Approaches for Garnering Major Gifts

Major Gifts Online? Universities Prove It Can Happen

Cybergiving — Pull Gift Prospects to Your Web Site

Useful Rules of Thumb

Publicizing Donors and Their Gifts

Publicize Major Gifts As Much As Possible

Attract Financially Capable Board Members

Discover What Excites Potential Board Members

Useful Principles for Seeking Major Gifts

Matching Grant Encourages Retirement Asset Donations

Managing Your Steering Committee

Boy Scout Group Keeps Steering Committee On Track

Gifts That Beget Gifts

Remember The Three Kinds of Individuals

Tools to Measure Staff Performance

Performance Appraisal Keeps Major Gifts Officers on Track

Foundation Data Made Easy

Create An Image Worthy of Major Gift Support

More Tips For Online Giving

Managing Your Major Gifts Time

Fund‐raising Pros Share Their Scheduling Secrets

Managers Need to Schedule Calls, Too

Set the Stage For Your Major Gifts Effort

Critical Factors in Preparing for Your Capital Campaign

Consultant Profile

'What If' Exercise

Techniques for Marketing Planned Gifts

In‐house Marketing Piece Gets the Word Out About Retirement Assets As Planned Gifts





ISSN: 2325-8608



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