Aufsatz(elektronisch)8. April 2019

Orphans and Pro‐social Behaviour: Evidence from Uganda

In: Journal of international development: the journal of the Development Studies Association, Band 31, Heft 6, S. 495-515

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractDisease and violence escalates the prevalence of orphanhood. We investigate whether individuals who were orphaned as a child suffer long‐term consequences on their pro‐sociality. We conduct a lab‐in‐the‐field experiment in rural Uganda where, among other contributing factors, the HIV/AIDS pandemic hit hardest. Subjects made decisions to contribute to a public good. Results indicate that adults who were orphaned as a child contribute less. We provide evidence that an important channel through which the mechanism operates is through social norms. Subjects orphaned tend to have lower expectations regarding typical behaviour of others. A strong interaction effect is identified where those with the lowest expectations who were also orphaned contribute the least to the public good. Thus, we document orphanhood's long‐term consequences to a community. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.





ISSN: 1099-1328



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