Aufsatz(elektronisch)März 2003

Mercury minimization measures to meet total maximum daily load requirements

In: Federal facilities environmental journal, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 109-121

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractMercury is a naturally occurring element that bioaccumulates due to its tendency to associate with organic
matter. Thus methylmercury, the organic (and most toxic) mercury form, will bioaccumulate up the food
chain, with the largest aquatic concentrations found in predatory fish. Five segments of the lower Savannah River
were listed on the state of Georgia's 2000 Section 303(d) list of impaired waters because mercury
in certain species of fish tissue exceeded fish consumption (the primary human route of exposure)
guidelines. Consequently, EPA developed a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for total mercury for the
middle/lower Savannah River. An Army installation, located in the affected watershed and identified as a
significant mercury contributor, was allowed a 7.43E‐06 kg/yr wasteload allocation (WLA) of
discharged mercury. In lieu of end‐of‐pipe sampling, the installation chose development and
implementation of a mercury minimization plan (MMP) for TMDL compliance. This article describes the
methodology used for MMP development and summarizes the policies, procedures, and guidelines used to reduce
and/or eliminate mercury‐containing discharges into the wastewater collection system. © 2003
Wiley Periodicals, Inc.





ISSN: 1520-6513



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