Aufsatz(elektronisch)25. August 2020

The configurational influence mechanism of film consumption experience on customer satisfaction

In: Journal of consumer behaviour, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 132-147

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractTo ensure the quality of consumers' experience and realize the maximization of economic benefits in the short term, customer satisfaction has become increasingly significant in the film industry. This study clarifies the configurational influence mechanism between consumer expectation, brand image, and five experiential values toward film consumer satisfaction. With this aim, text data were mined and a new configurational customer satisfaction index model was constructed that integrates experiential value theory based on the European Consumer Satisfaction Index model. Additionally, fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis is employed to explore the influence mechanism of film consumer satisfaction from the perspective of configuration. The five configurations produced correspond to five equivalent paths, which can be further divided into four types to explain the influence mechanism of film consumer satisfaction. Regarding the antecedent conditions, the intrinsic value of a film, followed by the extrinsic value are the key factors affecting satisfaction. This study changes the passive survey questionnaire output form to active input of comment mining. Additionally, it abandons the traditional regression perspective for research; a new configurational perspective is used to explore the complexity of antecedent conditions and the equivalence of consequence of film consumer satisfaction.





ISSN: 1479-1838



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