Open Access BASE2019

Active packaging for food : opportunities, technologies and challenges


One of the main functions of the food packaging is to maintain food quality and safety from the production until consumption by preventing any unwanted chemical and biological changes. The protective role of the packaging is primarily passive, acting as a barrier between the food, the atmosphere surrounding the food, and the external environment. Over recent decades there is an increasing trend to natural high-quality foods, which are non-processed or minimally processed, do not contain preservatives, but offer an acceptable shelf-life. In response, the protective function of packaging has been refined and improved leading to the development of new packaging technologies such as active packaging (AP). AP systems are designed to "deliberately incorporate components that would release or absorb substances into or from the packaged food or the environment surrounding the food." AP materials are thereby "intended to extend the shelf-life or to maintain or improve the condition of packaged food." While predominantly researchers focus on the extension of the shelf life through use of AP technologies, AP offers much more benefits. Use of AP may contribute to the decrease of food lost especially for perishable products with short shelf lives, reduction or removal of food preservatives such as antioxidants, antimicrobials from food formulations, or enable to use particular type of packaging material such as a more sustainable alternative. It may also simplify the food processing by being an additional hurdle for the food preservation or enable to develop a new product at all which would not be possible without AP applications. Active packaging systems can be divided into active scavenging systems (absorbers) and active-releasing systems (emitters). Whereas the former remove undesired compounds from the food or its environment, for example, moisture, carbon dioxide, oxygen, ethylene, or odor, the latter add compounds to the packaged food or into the headspace, such as antimicrobial compounds, carbon dioxide, antioxidants, flavors, ethylene, or ethanol. Among the active packaging systems, oxygen scavengers have the highest potential as they can show several benefits such as prevention of discoloration, mold growth, browning and rancidity as well as retention of nutritional value. Moisture scavengers may help to extend the shelf life, decrease the condensation in the packaging and can have a positive impact on the appearance by reducing the browning or discoloration. Despite the several studies on AP, only a very few of the potential solutions have been able to reach the market. In addition to the socio-economic and legislative factors, technical challenges are the most important factor for the failure to reach to the market. Major technological challenges are availability, quality, stability and consistency of the active compounds, successful integration of the active compounds into the packaging material, interaction of active compound and the food components and control and activation of the AP technologies. Additionally, lacking of fast and reliable quality control systems, which should be available to all the stakeholders and impact of active components on the environment as well as on recycling of the packaging, hinders the successful introduction of such AP technologies into the market. In this paper, AP technologies and their potential benefits for food applications will be presented and the challenges for successful introduction of such technologies into the market will be discussed.




Sociedade Portuguesa de Química

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