Open Access BASE2017

Influence of Plyometric Training on Selected Physiological Variables among Kho Kho Players


The purpose of the study is to find out the influence of Plyometric training on selected physiological variables among school level kho kho players. To achieve this purpose, Thirty boys are selected as subjects who are studied in Government Higher Secondary School, Kuniyamuthur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. The selected subjects are aged between recommended to 15 to 17 years for school level players. The selected subjects are randomly divided into two groups of 15 subjects each in the group. Group one acts as an experimental group and group two acts as the control group. The Plyometric training is given to Group I for eight weeks and the routine physical exercise is given to Group III and not involved in any specific training. Resting heart rate and breath holding time are selected as the dependent variables for this study and they are tested by using radial pulse and nostril holding methods respectively prior and after the training. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) for interpreting the results are done as recommended by Clarke and Clarke. Scheffe's post hoc test is used to find out the paired adjusted mean difference when the study is significant. It is concluded that, the experimental group namely the Plyometric training group has achieved a significant improvement on resting the heart rate and breath holding time.

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