Open Access BASE2022

The Digital Pandemic: Continuous Mass Fear


ABSTRACT: A civilization has its lessons in the past, efforts in the present, and hope for the future. Throughout history, humans gathered in different types of social constructs and managed to overcome obstacles, prevailing in difficult situations which seemed impossible at that given time. As several examples, we can take into consideration events such as the Ice Age, wars, natural disasters, and so on. By their nature, homo sapiens desire to reach a state of comfort where the basic needs are satisfied, and superior desires can be pursued. Conquering an objective, depending on its complexity, may require more than a lifetime of work. In this manner, the new generations play a key role in our common development as a society, thus they must have a proper education ensured, for the light of hope not to be extinguished. However, in the last decades, a new phenomenon can be seen entering our social domain. To be more precise we will refer to it as "Continuous Mass Fear." The current paperwork will try to explain the origin of this new enemy, the main features surrounding it alongside the consequences on the new generation. Based on the data provided, we will determine how the state can mitigate the effects of this threat and why it is necessary for democratic institutions to implement a plan. KEYWORDS: Continuous Mass Fear, generations, social development, civilization, future

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