Open Access BASE2021

Evaluation of Hospital Management System at combined Military Hospital Lahore


Abstract Objective: To evaluate HMS in terms of user satisfaction, time management, data retrieval, record keeping, confidentiality in terms of medical records and comparison of user preference according to job description. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place of Study: Combined Military Hospital Lahore, from 1" Dec to 31" March 2018. Methodology: All doctors and hospital personnel using HMS for more than 6 months in CMH Lahore were included by means of nonprobability convenient sampling. The total sample size was of 200 participants. Questionnaire was filled regarding user satisfaction, time management, data retrieval, record keeping, confidentiality in terms of medical records and comparison of user preference according to job description and results were analyzed using SPSS 20. Results: Out of a total of 200 participants, 58 (29%) were satisfied while 142 (71%) were dissatisfied with HMS mostly due to system hang-ups (34.5%) which were observed while using this software. Out of the total respondents, 133 (66.5%) participants believed it increased time spent per patient mostly due to too much information being present on patient encounter form (28%), and 66 (33%) participants were wary of its confidentiality. 142 (71%) participants believed that manual records needed to be kept alongside HMS. However, 141 (70.5%) thought it is an efficient tool for data retrieval, and 156 (78%) believed it to be reliable software. Conclusion: Most personnel- young and old-were largely dissatisfied with HMS, even though it is believed to be reliable and an efficient tool for data retrieval. Many would still keep manual records and were wary of its confidentiality.

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