Open Access BASE2020



Ubiquitous computing analysis represents an emerging area that implements communication technologies in day-to-day life actions. Ubiquitous computing changes the methods in which people use computers, considering these are involved in everyday aspects. In ubiquitous computing, several types of processes operate automatically in the background and communicate on the user's account. The ubiquitous computing theory is to provide any information for everyone at anytime and anywhere instantly. Mobile ad-hoc Networks are currently a growing technology for the next generation of wireless communication networks. A mobile ad-hoc network can portray as a military or rescue operation network in which a set of mobile nodes are used to send out a mission operation in diplomatic terms. This paper presents common architecture principles of universal systems and analyses significant features in context-aware ubiquitous systems. The main purpose of this work is to define a principle for researchers who are new to ubiquitous computing and want to gain depth on analysis and implementation of a novel method for the ubiquitous computing system in military sectors, in order to contribute towards further research regulations expected into the quality-of-service pledge of ubiquitous computing. The ubiquitous computing is the future of technology related to the internet or smart devices. Moreover, the applicability of technologies found in smartphones, smart TVs and sensors can guide to an increase in strategic capabilities, like sensing and detecting, exchanging and sharing unique real-time data in the military field. This study aims to sketch particular methods by which the learning and teaching methods can be improved. The intelligence of technology advanced in the military sectors along with ubiquitous computing providing a rise in optimization, security, and defence.

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