Open Access BASE2011

Study of the table sweeteners and estimate of the total intake of selected sweeteners by Belgian adult population


Based on EC regulation 1333/2008, each member of the European Union is supposed to evaluate the intake of food additives by its population. This project resulted in a demand of the Federal Department of Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment to the Scientific Institute of Public Health to elaborate a study of table-top sweeteners and the estimation of the total intake of sweeteners by the Belgian population. The use of the selected sweeteners, including acesulfame-K, saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame and sucralose, is regulated by the European directive on sweeteners (94/35) and for each substance an acceptable daily intake (ADI; acceptable daily intake) was established (9, 5, 7, 40 and 15 mg per kg body weight). The purpose of this study was to establish whether the Belgian adult population was at risk of exposure to sweetener levels that exceeded ADI levels by usual intake of sweetened foods and specific consumption of table top sweeteners. ; BE; nl;

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