Open Access BASE2020



The purpose of the article is to highlight the experience and test the effectiveness of the democracy culture and intercultural dialogue competences formation in the process of studying the «Democratic Approach in Mathematics» content module by the 013 «Primary Education» speciality students at T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Ukraine). Methodology. The research criteria were worked out on the basis of the Model of the competences for the democracy culture proposed by the Department of Education of the Council of Europe. The questionnaires (initial and final), worked out by the authors, allowed to sustain the dynamics of the competences development in one group of the 1st year students (18 students). The results of the statistic processing of the experiment were analyzed using Student's t-criterion. The scientific novelty of the research. For the first time, the educational process of the course of «Mathematics» was modernized through introducing the democracy elements: rich tasks, discussions, culture of democratic communication while studying basic mathematical theories. A characteristic of the «Democratic Approach in Mathematics» course is the introduction of the «Inverted class» technology, which provides students with the opportunity of the individual learning of the theoretical material based on the Google Classroom platform (a virtual class «Mathematics», code: 05b2lz) and passing a small self-control test. The outlines of the lectures and practical classes with the detailed description of work on their separate stages are given in the article. The rich tasks were selected in the way to reveal the use of the appropriate mathematical model (a certain type of the function, scheme, formula, way) of solving life and economic problems, or the students, while doing sums, should have focused on the mental ways of analyzing and assessing the situation (the tasks on «summarizing the concept», determining the condition by the known result, the use of the heuristic way of solving). ...

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