Open Access BASE2020

Bioenergy cropping systems of tomorrow


The research objective of this study is the development of long-term sustainable Marginal Agricultural Land Low-Input Systems for industrial crop cultivation. And the research question of this study is: How bioenergy cropping systems of tomorrow could be made more sustainable under social-ecological terms. It was found that there are five main requirements for the development of social-ecologically more sustainable bioenergy cropping systems. And here, four of them are presented and discussed. ; This research received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727698 and the University of Hohenheim. N.D.J. received funding from the Bioeconomy Science Center (BioSC), supported in the project AP3 Focus Lab. The scientific activities of the Bioeconomy Science Center were financially supported by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research within the framework of the NRW Strategieprojekt BioSC (no. 313/323‐400‐002 13).

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