Open Access BASE2020

3S RECIPE – Smart Shrinkage Solutions: Lodz (PL) Policy Brief #2. Compact Connected City


This policy brief refers to a so far partially successful solution to the transport problems in a city inhabited by almost 700 thousand people. Located in the heart of the country, Łódź is a former centre of the textile industry, still coping nowadays with the results of economic restructuring and population loss. The issues that need to be addressed include insufficient connectivity and high levels of congestion and car dependency in the city. To cope with these problems, The Plan for the Sustainable Development of Public Transport was approved in 2015. This document is a reasonable step towards long-term, integrative, strategic planning, but it still needs some improvement. More in-depth analysis and effective cooperation with stakeholders are necessary. The brief suggests policy recommendations aimed at developing a more resilient and effective approach to public transport planning. ; 3S RECIPE is part of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe's ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures Call (ENSUF). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857160.

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