Open Access BASE2020

Winventor: A Machine-driven Approach for the Development of Winograd Schemas


The Winograd Schema Challenge—the task of resolving pronouns in certain carefully-constructed sentences —has recently been proposed as a basis for a novel form of CAPTCHAs. Such uses of the task necessitate the availability of a large, and presumably continuously-replenished, collection of available Winograd Schemas, which goes beyond what human experts can reasonably develop by themselves. Towards tackling this issue, we introduce Winventor, the first, to our knowledge, system that attempts to fully automate the development of Winograd Schemas, or at least to considerably help humans in this development task. Beyond describing the system, the paper presents a series of three studies that demonstrate, respectively, Winventor's ability to replicate existingWinograd Schemas from the literature, automatically develop reasonableWinograd Schemas from scratch, and aid humans in developing Winograd Schemas by post-processing the system's suggestions. ; This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 739578 and under Grant Agreement No 823783 and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development.

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