Open Access BASE2019

Kantian Ethics and Utopian Thinking [Ética kantiana y pensamiento utópico]


Is Kantian Ethics guilty of utopian thinking? First, potentially good and bad uses of utopian ideals are distinguished, then an apparent path is traced from Rousseau's unworkable political ideal to Kant's ethical ideal. Three versions of Kant's Categorical Imperative (and their counter–parts in common moral discourse) are examined briefly for the ways that they may raise the suspicion that they manifest or encourage bad utopian thinking. In each case Kantians have available responses to counter the suspicion, but special attention is directed to the version that says "Act on the maxims of a universally law–giving member of a kingdom of ends." Interpretations vary, but here primary focus is on one contemporary reconstruction and development of this central idea. Several objections suggest that this idea encourages bad utopian thinking are briefly addressed: that we cannot count on everyone to follow ideal rules, that even conscientious people disagree in their moral judgments, and that theories that allow exceptions to familiar moral rules create a "slippery slope" to moral chaos

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