Open Access BASE2019



The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of the problem of personal constructs while bilingualism in psychological science. The authors point out that the problem of multilingualism is of particular importance, as it is primarily due to social, economic and political changes in Ukraine, and first of all, to the general tendency towards integration into the European space. Due to it the particular scientific and practical importance is given to the issue of studying the bilingualism phenomenon. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature and available research, it was established that the problem of bilingualism is marked by the multidimensional nature of its consideration within the various directions (classifications and kinds of bilingualism, age peculiarities of the bilingualism development) and approaches (behavioral, generative, cognitive and psychological). On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature and available researches, it was established that today the problem of the correlation between language and thinking in the case of multilingualism is considered by scientists from the following views: firstly, each language is inseparably connected with thinking; secondly, thinking is a separate and independent process, and speech is only a code of thought expression in the process of communication. According to the systemic nature of the phenomena of bilingualism and personal constructs, the great scientific interest for us is given to the study of personal constructs in bilingualism. The results of the empirical study prove that the level of bilingualism is not a determining factor in the formation of personal constructs system in the student's age.

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