Open Access BASE2016

Шляхи розвитку театральної культури Маріуполя (1946-1960-ті рр.)


There were some features of the development of theatrical art in Mariupol studied during 1946-1960-s. And also there were different arrangements of Soviet government described, which were directed on the reconstitution of control over the theatre's business which was weakened during the war time. The main reasons which stopped the active actions from the side of Mariupol theatre were illuminated too, at the end of 1940- s. It was brought to life that despite of absence of professional theatre, the art culture of the city continued its developmental improvements due to the tours and unique art of amateur theatre circles and organizations concentrated in Mariupol. There was also the opening of District Drama Russian theatre lighted too, which over helped the art activity with its upgrade. The head tendencies of development of Mariupol theatre were analyzed brightly in 1960-s, as also creative searches of the director and its cast. The significant attention was paid to the features of repertoire, tour's activity, to the level of interest and attendance of Mariupol theatre by its citizens. The place of theatre in the cultural life of Mariupol audience was determined under the influence of periodical press.

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