Open Access BASE2018

Modelling study with InraPorc® to evaluate nutritional requirements of growing pigs in local breeds


Models as InraPorc® have been developed to simulate pig growth and to determine nutrient requirements. They are largely applied to conventional breeds but so far not to local breeds. Our study aimed to use InraPorc® to determine nutrient requirements of growing pigs from local breeds in H2020 EU project TREASURE. Data on feed composition, allowance and intake, and body weight (BW) were extracted from literature reports or experiments conducted within the project. They were used to calibrate parameters defining a growth and intake profile in InraPorc®. We obtained 15 profiles from 9 breeds (Alentejano, Basque, Bísaro, Calabrese, Cinta Senese, Iberico, Krškopolje, Mangalitsa Swallow Bellied and Moravka). Breeds had 1 to 3 profiles depending on experimental conditions or data sources. Conditions of the study affected calibration results. The mean protein deposition (PD) was low for all breeds from 39.9 to 91.0 g PD/day vs over 110 g/d in conventional breeds. For 40-100 kg BW range, the age of the pigs at 40 kg BW was between 110 and 206 days, denoting different feeding management in addition to genetic differences. Average daily gain (ADG) and feed intake curves showed similar shape. Protein deposition rate was the highest in breeds with the highest ADG. Lysine requirements were largely covered in all studies and breeds, the highest requirements being observed with the highest ADG. In all breeds a low part of total body energy retention was dedicated to protein, conversely to lipids. Despite some methodological limitations, this study provides a first insight on nutrient requirements for some local breeds. Funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 RIA program (grant agreement no. 634476).




Wageningen Academic Publishers



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