Open Access BASE2018

Goldmine or Bottomless Pitt? Exploiting Cornwall's Mining Heritage


This research paper discusses the rise of the heritage and tourist industry in Cornwall. It aims to historically contextualize this process by analyzing it in relation to the neo-liberal political landscape of the 1980s. The paper highlights several consequences of industrial heritage tourism in the region, including the growing gap between rich and poor that resulted from the arrival of newcomers from the richer Eastern counties and the perceived downplaying of Cornish heritage. It will explain how these developments paved the way for regionalist activists who strived for more Cornish autonomy in the field of heritage preservation and exploitation. ; SUBMITTED: OCT 2017; REVISION SUBMITTED: JAN 2018; ACCEPTED: FEB 2018; REFEREED ANONYMOUSLY; PUBLISHED ONLINE: 15 MAY 2018

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