A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy
As the Government of Canada continues to protect and support Canadians through the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also important that the country look to the future. Canadians want to see a growing middle class where no one is left behind. They want a future where their kids and grandkids have access to clean air and water. That future is within reach. Collectively, Canada needs to accelerate climate action to get there. A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy is Canada's plan to build a better future. This plan builds on the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. It continues down the path that Canadians, their governments, and businesses have been setting. This plan is a cornerstone of the government's commitment in the 2020 Speech from the Throne to create over one million jobs, restoring employment to pre-pandemic levels. The plan includes 64 new measures and $15 billion in investments in addition to the Canada Infrastructure Bank's $6 billion for clean infrastructure announced this fall as part of its growth plan. A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy will make life more affordable for households. It will make Canadian communities more livable. And it will, at every turn, focus on workers and their careers in a fair and just transition to a stronger and cleaner economy. The plan will do this through five pillars
Environment and Climate Change Canada
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