Open Access BASE1977

Special Report: HSUS is a Voice for Animals in Nation's Capital


Power is the name of the game in Washington, D.C. Powerful voices representing every shade of opinion on nearly every subject are seeking constant attention from our lawmakers and civil servants. The Humane Society of the United States is likewise working and speaking for the millions of Americans who care about animals. HSUS is investigating federal agency animal management programs; testifying on Capitol Hill; providing expert advice to legislative committees and congressmen; taking legal action in federal courts; serving on advisory committees; and monitoring legislative, regulatory, and legal affairs having to do with animals. The voice of The Humane Society provides the necessary balance our lawmakers require as they consider programs affecting the lives of both domestic and wild animals. Hunters, trappers, ranchers, furriers, animal and food transporters, food producers, animal breeders, researchers, and others who use animals for profit, scientific investigation, or sport, seek government approval, intervention, or no control at all in the animal related activities. More often than not, the voice of the HSUS is contrary to their desires. These special interest groups are well financed and employ highly paid lobbyists to press their point. Though The HSUS does not employ lobbyists, it is a well respected, often sought-after voice in animal affairs. It is rare that legislation or regulations having to do with animals is considered without some input from The HSUS. The HSUS is listed in the congressional guide book as a source to be called upon in matters affecting wildlife; legislation having to do with zoos, circuses, and wildlife; and the transportation of animals, animal shelter operation, spay and neuter clinics, and other domestic animal problems. The HSUS is also listed in The Fish and Wildlife Service Pollution Response Plan as an expert source on oil spill disasters affecting wildlife.

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