Quality of life of adult persons with epilepsy ; Epilepsija sergančių suaugusių asmenų gyvenimo kokybė
Due to the lack of complex research on people with epilepsy and emphasis on physical (body) functioning, the QOL in people with epilepsy is perceived unambiguously and poor knowledge of their QOL factors is noticed. Based on Amartya Sen's capability approach, the dissertation carry out a complex research on the QOL in people with epilepsy and its factors. The research in the dissertation reveal that people with epilepsy worst function in the social, cultural, political participation, health, employment, mobility, social relations, self-esteem and independence domains. The research revealed the disagreement of functioning and capabilities of people with epilepsy, especially of mobility, participation and employment domains. Major part of the people do not operate due to the fear of seizures and lack of willingness. The results of the research show that personal conversion factors have a great influence on QOL in people with epilepsy, especially their age, education and factors of the disease. When the disease symptoms are more obvious, the QOL in people with epilepsy is more influenced by the disease factors. When the disease symptoms are milder – the greater become personal conversion factors. The impact of stigma for QOL in people with epilepsy remains even if the epileptic symptoms are not so visible. The assessment of the domain of agency used in the research revealed that people with epilepsy lack their personal perception they do not perceive themselves as the main agents in their lives.
Litauisch, Englisch
Institutional Repository of Vilnius University
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