Open Access BASE2014

Chapter 13: A View of MD Anderson Presidents


In this chapter, Dr. Arlinghaus offers his views of the four MD Anderson presidents. He describes Dr. R. Lee Clark as a "true visionary" who realized surgery wasn't sufficient to address cancer and other specialties were needed to unravel its mysteries.Dr. Arlinghaus confirms that Dr. Charles LeMaistre was very supportive of him.He talks about some tensions among department chairs and comments on his own leadership style.He recalls the influence of his mother, Loretta, on his character and behavior.Dr. Arlinghaus next talks about Dr. John Mendelsohn.[The recorder is paused]Dr. Arlinghaus notes that Dr. Mendelsohn's discovery of a new cancer drug was a "remarkable achievement" and that he added to the strength of the institution.Next he talks about Dr. Ronald DePinho, offering the view that the institution will grow under his leadership. ;

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