Open Access BASE2015

Teatersamtaler. Publikumsudvikling gennem dialog ; Talking about theatre:Audience development through dialogue

In: Lindelof , A M & Hansen , L E 2015 , ' Talking about theatre : Audience development through dialogue ' , Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies , vol. 12 , no. 1 .


Taking as its starting point the cultural policy discussion of audience development, this article suggests that a focus on the audience's experience of theatre performances is underdeveloped in the cultural policy debate which focuses either on reaching out to new target groups or on artistic quality. Through qualitative audience investigations, the article discusses how talking about theatre can serve as a method of investigating theatre experiences from an audience perspective, and thus provide knowledge which must be a pre-requisite both for theatres and for cultural politicians in search of a larger and broader audience. The analysis discusses audience experience with regard to the sensory, the artistic and the symbolic level of two specific performances, and at the same time it provides arguments for why talking about theatre is a useful tool for theatrical institutions in their work with audience development. ; Taking as its starting point the Nordic cultural policy debates surrounding audience development, which concentrate either on reaching out to new target groups or on artistic quality, this article suggests that the focus on the audience's experience of theatre performances has thus far been underdeveloped. Through qualitative audience investigations, this article shows how talking about theatre offers a method by which to explore theatre experiences from an audience perspective, and thus provides invaluable knowledge for theatres and cultural politicians in search of larger and broader audiences. The analysis discusses audience experience with regard to the sensory, the artistic and the symbolic level of two specific Swedish-Danish performances, thereby demonstrating how this approach offers a useful tool for theatrical institutions engaged in audience development.

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