Open Access BASE2018

The development of condition of the civil society, as the reflection of national consciousness, mentality of Ukrainian nation's ; СТАН РОЗВИТКУ ГРОМАДЯНСЬКОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА ЯК ВІДДЗЕРКАЛЕННЯ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ СВІДОМОСТІ, МЕНТАЛІТЕТУ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ НАЦІЇ


In the article, on the basis of classical works of foreign and native politologists, is analyzed the problem of existence of civil society, as the reflection of national consciousness of Ukrainian nation.The present article is very actual and timely. What is the idea of this article? The main idea of the article is to show the problem of existence of civil society, as a reflection of national consciousness of Ukrainian nation.Today the concept of the national consciousness, mentality of Ukrainian nation has become a stumbling block of world viewing, Social, ideological and political principles of the sovereignty of Ukraine.In the article there is a thing about legal state.A legal state is the type of a State, which has such features as the leadership of the low, division of power, legal defence of a personality, juridical equality of a citizen and the state.In condition of modernization of a society, national consciousness of Ukrainian nation play the very important role in construction of a civil society.The transitional stage of building of the civil society is very long and there are many problems: at first sight, in the consciousness of the people in Ukraine.Ukraine faces a lot of important and global problems: mental, spiritual, philosophical.One of the most important task is to build civil society. Without the high level of national consciousness it is impossible.The expression "civil society" has become a peculiar emblem of 1900's, 20th century and how it continues its existence as the closest task of ideal for some countries and as an attribute and reality for others.A civil society is a society of citizens with high level of economical, social, political, cultural and moral traits, which together with the state creates developed lawful relations, the society of equal citizens, which doesn't depend on the state nut it interacts with it for the sake of common benefit.The main traits of the civil society: separated from the state social structure which contains different associations, voluntary units of people.Open rivalry of public interests initiates a political process, favour realization of social interest.The attempt is made to mark the national consciousness as the integrating power the determinant of civil society.Speciality of methodological approach consists of unification of theoretical analysis with attempt to determine, how the national consciousness (sense) of Ukrainian nation influences on the development of civil society in Ukraine.The term "modernization" was formed at the beginning of 1950s of the XX century to characterize the countries which presented the transition to the industrial society.First of all by the means of improvement of its economical infrastructure, devices of the economical growth. In the process of the modernization evolution as an interdiscipline theory and its gradual politicizing there crysallized the therm of "political modernization" which nowadays is connected with the formation of political institutions, social mobilization, widening of the political participation of the population, confirming of democratical values and norms.Under modern conditions political modernization has a special meaning for societies which are distent from the main development of peoples civilization, separated from the values common to all mankind.Modernization is the very important process, witch aimed to clearing up the sources, character and directions of political changes.Without modernization impossible to build the civil society.Ukrainian national consciousness is a spiritual phenomena of the nation.National consciousness which from one hand reflects all the interests of the nation and which appears to be their universal reflection, and from the other hand, is the generator and the centre of understanding and forming these interests represents itself as the entire organism.National consciousness is the result of the political constitutional confirming of the nation, criterion of its self-identifying. National consciousness function in the unity of rational and irrational essential manifestation: national character, national dream, national idea.In the end of this essay, I want to say, that the term of the article is very interesting, global and unexplored. ; В статті, на основі класичних праць зарубіжних та вітчизняних політологів, аналізується проблема екзистенції громадянського суспільства, як відображення національної свідомості української нації. Здійснена спроба визначити національну свідомість як інтегруючу силу, детермінанту громадянського суспільства. Дана стаття є вельми актуальною і своєчасною. Своєрідність методологічного підходу полягає у поєднанні теоретичного аналізу зі спробою виявити, як саме національна свідомість впливає на стан розвитку громадянського суспільства в Україні.

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