Open Access BASE2014

Theoretical and methodological basis ethno-national and regional entities and their relationships in the context of multi-ethnic society ; Теоретико-методологические основы этнонациональных и региональных образований и их отношений в контексте развития полиэтнического социума ; Теоретико-методологічні засади етнонаціональних та регіональних утворень та їх відносин в контексті поліетнічного соціуму


This paper analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of ethnic and regional entities and their relationships in the context of multi-ethnic society; The notion of ethnic and regional entities and their relationships in the context of multi-ethnic society; the essence and importance of the theory of ethnic and regional organizations in the context of system-structuralist, structural-functional, communication and synergistic approaches using the principles trialektyky and synergy. Comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the social and philosophical analysis of ethnic and regional entities and their relationships in the context of multi-ethnic society, forms of practical realization of detecting the impact of pan-European integration process of their development will help to build the logic of modern social process and serve as a basis for understanding how may develop post-crisis situation of the system. Treat any, including ethno-national and regional, relations in the humanities or social sciences can only be based on a clear understanding of the concept of relationships. The purpose of the article - to form the theoretical bases of theoretical and methodological foundations of ethnic and regional entities and their relationships in the context of multi-ethnic society. In our case, the ethno-national and regional relations and is the kind of social phenomenon, which combines attitude, disposition, motives and effects, causes and consequences, individual and social. Objective factors is the incentive that shapes all other forms and manifestations of inter-ethnic or inter-regional relations. National Ethnic and Regional Relations entering the political field of social an act combine rules and actions of political actors with the variability of situations. This social an act caused ethno-political and regional factors, which is implemented as a set of ethnic and regional relations, the driving force behind the development of multi-ethnic society. Interethnic dispositions are considered as some settings to interact (negatively or positively) with other ethnic groups in any area of life in any form - from personal interaction with people of other nationalities to perceive phenomena, elements of history, culture, nature and direction of social and economic development. Individuals who self-identification almost automatically excludes certain groups. In this group the signs Ethnic and Regional Relations increasing strength and stability, assuming the form of stereotypes. Psychologists generally believe that ethnic stereotypes occupy a key place among interethnic attitudes, but they are limited as the object of study individuals or mostly small groups - groups (often a student), or groups of subjects in a specially created environment. It should be noted that all the social and human sciences require a unifying methodological basis, which can only social philosophy, which allows you to combine individual, group and overall. ; В статье дается анализ теоретико-методологических основ этнонациональных и региональных образований и их отношений в контексте полиэтнического социума; раскрыто понятие этнонациональных и региональных образований и их отношений; обосновано сущность и значение теории этнонациональных и региональных образований и их отношений в контексте системно-структуралистского, структурно-функционального, коммуникативного и синергетического подходов с использованием принципов триалектики и синергетики. ; В статті дається аналіз теоретико-методологічних засад етнонаціональних та регіональних утворень та їх відносин в контексті поліетнічного соціуму; розкрито поняття етнонаціональних та регіональних утворень та їх відносин в контексті поліетнічного соціуму; обґрунтовано сутність і значення теорії етнонаціональних та регіональних утворень в контексті системно-структуралістського, структурно-функціонального, комунікаційного і синергетичного підходів з використанням принципів тріалектики и синергетики

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