Open Access BASE2014

European experience in realization of cultural diplomacy: specifics and perspectives for further development ; Европейский опыт реализации культурной дипломатии: специфика и перспективы дальнейшего развития ; Європейський досвід реалізації культурної дипломатії: специфіка та перспективи подальшого розвитку


In the era of strengthening and accelerating globalization processes the necessity of establishing intercultural dialogue is becoming of high priority, significantly altering its fundamental principles and objectives of its creation. After the end of the era of bipolarity the new concepts of world order are emerging and spreading. There is a need to find new tools for the competitive development of states and other approaches for international relations. In this context the role of flexible factors increases together with the effectiveness of «soft» influence instruments on the system of international relations by promoting a positive image of a country based on the attractiveness of the values and culture of the nation.Analysis of the specifics of cultural diplomacy functioning in different EU countries reveals the following three traditional European models, each of which is characterized by the specificity of national political strategies of France, Britain and Germany.Thus, the first model reflects the foreign policy of France that systematically includes intercultural cooperation in the practice of international relations. Cultural diplomacy of France is characterized by a rigid centralization and direct state control.The second model – British – is based on the principle of indirect control (so called principle of «arm's length») when intercultural collaboration is funded wholly or partly by the government, usually via the Foreign Office, while the administrative and coordinating functions delegated to non-governmental institutions (such as the British Council, which has departments worldwide) .A kind of intermediate option between French and British models is German decentralized organizational model. On the one hand, it is partly controlled be the state and international cultural activities are partially centralized, and on the other – is based on the principle of power distance («Staatsferne»), characteristic feature of the federal government of Germany.Creation of the brand «Europe» is directed towards the development of mode of thinking across the whole Union and positioning «Europe in the world» format. At the same time it is not directed towards searching and focusing on the differences and peculiarities of the individual European countries. In this respect, it is important to actively develop new areas of cultural dialogue and exchange both within the Union and beyond.The realities of European societies have such peculiar features as the multifaceted contributions of other cultures and civilizations; localization and nationalization of cultures; linguistic and ethnocultural pluralism as a result of the historical formation of the European nation-states; deepening current presence of other cultures in Europe; and finally, the cultural diversity of European society. These features require appropriate solutions, strategies and programs in the field of establishment and further development of cultural diplomacy at European as well as on the national levels.European cultural diplomacy will always be dealing with the sum of individual national cultures, languages, historical heritage. Moreover, the cultural programs of all 27 Member States are very actively and almost autonomously developing. On the one hand, it can be seen as enrichment and enhancement of European culture and subsequently diplomacy; on the other hand, it gives rise to the emergence of discussions about its absence and utopianism. At present Europe is cannot be seen as an example of goal-oriented and effective common cultural diplomacy, but the potential for this is significant. The main thing for the EU in this context is not to turn into a «giant museum», caring only about preservation and maintenance of cultural sites of individual countries. Taking all this into consideration, the question of what should be the European cultural diplomacy in the modern era is now considered the most controversial. ; В статье освещаются основные принципы и специфика реализации культурной дипломатии европейских государств на современном этапе развития. Обобщаются основные предпосылки становления культурной дипломатии в той или иной стране. Предоставляется характеристика ведущих институтов и организаций, которые призваны реализовывать мероприятия с целью распространения каждой отдельной национальной культуры за пределами страны. ; У статті висвітлюються основні засади і специфіка реалізації культурної дипломатії європейських країн на сучасному етапі розвитку. Автором узагальнюються основні цілі та проблеми здійснення культурної дипломатії у межах Європейського Союзу. Надається характеристика провідним інститутам та організаціям, що покликані реалізовувати заходи в межах розповсюдження європейської культури всередині та поза межами ЄС.

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