Open Access BASE2019



The military and political aspects in the activities of the Lviv Regional Council of the first democratic convocation and the peculiarities of regular military service by the draftees of the Lviv region at the change of the 1980 – 1990s were analyzed. It was noted that in 1990, the Lviv region draftees were sent by the military commissariats to all the Union republics, which forced the Lviv Regional Council to resort to solving the "military issue" and to begin a dialogue with the Carpathian Military District.The peculiarities of the Ukrainian SSR legislation in the military sphere were characterized, the range of the most important decisions of the Lviv Regional Council regarding the draftees was defined, implementation and consistency of these decisions with the republican legislation was analyzed. The important role of the Lviv Regional Council was emphasized, which in the face of confrontation with the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) tried to solve numerous problems of Ukrainian servicemen and establish public control over the military sphere.The successes and failures of the Lviv Regional Council were examined during the attempt to transform the composition of the regional commission on the recruitment of draftees and to introduce representatives of the executive committee and authoritative non-governmental organizations into it. It was noted that the command of the Carpathian Military District voiced their dissatisfaction with the fact that local governments often make decisions that contradict the Federal Constitution and ignore the interests of military personnel from Lviv region.It was proved that the main point of the decisions of the Lviv Regional Council was directed at solving the conflict situations that arose during the military service of the people from Lviv region. The concrete evidence was provided confirming the fact that the unresolved "military issue" caused the society's indignation was aggravating the relations of the national democratic forces and the Communist Party of Ukraine, as well as provoking civil disobedience actions in the region. ; Проаналізовано військово-політичні аспекти діяльності Львівської обласної ради першого демократичного скликання, особливості відбування строкової військової служби призовниками Львівської області на зламі 1980–1990-х років, охарактеризовано особливості законодавства Української РСР (УРСР) у військовій сфері. Розглянуто ухвали Львівської обласної ради, які стосувалися призовників, проаналізовано їх виконання та узгодженість із республіканським законодавством. Наголошено на важливій ролі Львівської обласної ради, яка в умовах протиборства з Комуністичною партією України (КПУ) спробувала вирі­шити численні проблеми українських військовослужбовців та налагодити гро­мадський контроль за військовою сферою.

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