Open Access BASE2019



У статті коротко розкрито історію створення та функціонування структур Civil-Millitary Cooperation (далі – CIMIC) в арміях провідних країн світу. Обґрунтовано концепції цивільно-військового співробітництва (далі – ЦВС) у нормативно-правових актах оборонної стратегії США та ряду країн Європи. Показано необхідність розуміння концепції СІМІС в умовах військової діяльності, що спрямована на реконструкцію та модернізацію збройних сил у напрямі тісного зв'язку із цивільною стороною. Висвітлено роль ЦВС як механізму, який дозволяє створити передумови для вирішення поставлених задач, надання відповідної допомоги цивільному населенню та успішного завершення збройного конфлікту. ; The article briefly describes the history of the creation and functioning of Civil – Millitary Cooperation structures in the armies of the leading countries of the world. The concepts of civil-military cooperation in legal acts of defense strategy are justified Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, USA, Norway, the Netherlands, Ukraine and also NATO. It is shown that it is necessary to understand the concept of SIMIS in the context of military activities aimed at the reconstruction and modernization of the armed forces in the direction of close ties with the civilian side. The role of the Center is shown as a mechanism that allows creating prerequisites for solving the tasks, providing appropriate assistance to the civilian population and the successful conclusion of an armed conflict.Statement of the problem and the state of its research. In recent years, approaches to conflict resolution have changed and the legal requirements for their participants have been substantially revised. The international community is increasing the requirements for taking into account economic, social, religious, political, cultural and humanitarian factors when planning and conducting international peacekeeping operations. As international experience shows, the involvement of a wide range of civil institutions in the process of resolving an existing conflict contributes to the achievement of the common goal of resolving this armed conflict.The relevance of the research center, primarily due to the armed conflict in the East of Ukraine. The CWS system in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is relatively new and is constantly being improved. Theoretical and practical interest is the very functioning of such structures in the armies of foreign states, their features and differences from the Ukrainian system of the Central Military Council.Domestic researchers have already paid some attention to the problems of military-civilian cooperation, exploring information support, the system of training civil-military cooperation specialists, and civilian-military relations in the NATO countries. It is worth noting the articles of Yu. Kalagin, I. Koropatnik, S. Garkushi, N. Vasyukov, E. Titko, P. Tkachuk, V. Opryshko, I. Kuropatkin, A. Nozdrachev, A. Leshchenko, and also a number of collective works. However, the activity of the system of civil-military cooperation of the leading countries of the world is not fully investigated.The purpose of the article is to analyze the regulation of the activities of the structure of civil-military cooperation of the leading countries of the world with an explanation of the basic principles and tasks, where special attention is paid to the element of communication with the civilian element.

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