Open Access BASE2019



Service and combat activity of military men qualifies as very tense, therefore, it requires the corresponding psychological support and training at all stages of their activity in order to reduce the rate of psychological traumatism.The analysis of scientific publications has shown that researchers focus their attention on the general features of psychological support for the training of military specialists in peacetime, and the issue of psychic self-regulation in view of their activities in the context of the danger to one's life, are insufficiently developed and require more in-depth study.These and other insights on the importance of the problem became the starting point for a detailed study of the role of the components of the psychological self-regulation of the combatants in forming post-traumatic stress disorder.Since the reaction to stressful events as a starting point for the development of PTSD is accepted, it is associated with the peculiarities of internality, voluntary organization of a personality, coping strategies, styles of self-regulation and constant emotional, volitional, intellectual personality traits, and personality traits that determine the peculiarities of their attitude towards their environment, then in this study we used a set of psych diagnostic techniques.The results of these psych diagnostic techniques were processed using regression analysis, which allowed formulating the following regression equation, which describes the role of various components of the system of self-regulation in the development of PTSD.It has been determined that the development of PTSD is also caused by increasing the indicators of internality in the field of failures and high overall level of self-regulation, giving preference to such coping strategies as denial, referral to religion and the use of sedative; fear to express true feelings, to respond to stress in imagination, high sensitivity, anxiety, dependence on one's social environment, and duration of the last assignment.The PTSD indicator is reduced by internality in the description of personal experience, internality in the professional-social aspect, by the competence in the field of interpersonal relationships, readiness to independently plan one's own activities; the use of such copings as mental and behavioral avoidance of problems, humor, value and sense organization of personality, high self-esteem, non-conformism, restraint, straightforwardness, autonomy, radicalism, concentration.Our research makes it possible to state that the decline of PTSD indicators is associated with: the development of value-semantic regulation of activities; building relationships on the principle of not "a dependence", but "coping" with one's social environment; the ability to independently make decisions in difficult situations; the ability to predict the emergence and development of stress situations; confidence in oneself, own values, in the correctness of own actions, optimism. The increase in PTSD indicators is associated with a tendency to excessive control; lack of experience to cope with a certain situation; low thresholds of protection against negative social influences. ; В статье изложены результаты изучения роли различных составляющих системы саморегуляции в формировании посттравматических стрессовых реакций у комбатантов. Обоснованные личностные особенности которые способствуют и снижают показатель посттравматического стрессового расстройства.Представленные показатели системы саморегуляции тщательно описывают формирование посттравматического стрессового расстройства у таких типов, как "прогнозируя опасности", "открытый опасности", "принимающий роль жертвы", "скрывающий свой страх". ; У статті викладено результати вивчення ролі різних складових системи саморегуляції y формуванні посттравматичних стресових реакцій у комбатантів. Обґрунтовані особистісні особливості, що сприяють та знижують показник посттравматичного стресового розладу. Представлені показники системи саморегуляції ретельно описують формування посттравматичного стресового розладу у таких типів, як "прогнозуючий небезпеку", "відкритий небезпеці", "приймаючий роль жертви", "приховуючий свій страх".

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