Problematic aspects and prospects of development of modern typologies of Euroscepticism ; ПРОБЛЕМНІ АСПЕКТИ Й ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ РОЗВИТКУ СУЧАСНИХ ТИПОЛОГІЙ ЄВРОСКЕПТИЦИЗМУ
The modern typologies of Euroscepticism, which are developed by researchers, are explored in the article. Among of the researchers are Paul Taggart, Alex Szczerbiak, Sofia Vasilopoulou, Søren Riishøj, Catharina Sørensen, Marcel Lubbers, and Peer Scheepers, Clive H. Church, and Alexandra Gissa. The author focuses on some of the problem aspects of the investigated typologies.For instance, the classic typology of Hard & Soft P. Taggart and A. Szczerbiak is too extensive and is considered to be partially obsolete because does not fully reflect the reality of contemporary Euroscepticism. S. Vasilopoulou admits a collision of the positions of the Eurosceptic parties when she described the "conditional" type of Euroscepticism: on the one hand, they approve of only intergovernmental cooperation at the EU level and do not recognize the supranational functions of its bodies. On the other hand, they are ready to accept the EU in the tighter and deeper form of existence – a confederation that unequivocally implies the presence of supranational bodies, joint defence and so on.The typology of S. Riishøj has no specific framework, according to which the logic of typologization would be understood. The researcher touches upon national societies, identities, geopolitics, political institutions, European institutions, and the notion of functional Eurorealism. As a result, this attempt demonstrates the scale of the reasons for the emergence of Euroscepticism, and then the possible variations of its types, but not vice versa. Similar contradictions exist in other analysed typologies of Euroscepticism.In addition, the author found out that most scholars form the typologies of Euroscepticism, using absolutely different criteria: the degree of opposition of the EU; causes of creation, attitude to the EU and European integration processes; attitude towards the EU membership; aspect of benefit (political/eco- nomic); on the basis of public, party and state discourses, etc.However, as it is stated in the article, in spite of such a variety of typologies and types of Euroscepticism, most of them have common content features: political, economic, and feature of principle.The author also formed two types of Euroscepticism – moderate and radical, based on a preliminary study of supporters of Euroscepticism in the UK, France, and Germany.According to the first type, Eurosceptics criticized and questioned activities of the EU, its institutions, etc., but they are ready to compromise on most of the controversial issues. Therefore, such Euroscepticism is usually constructive at the same time. According to the second type, Eurosceptics is more aggressive and, as a rule, uncompromisingly set against the idea of united Europe, the enlargement of the EU, the existence of a common currency and, in general, the membership of their country in it, and so on.The author concluded that, at present, there is no the only and generally accepted typology, which could be used constantly in exploring the phenomenon under study. The scientific search for the general typology of Euroscepticism continues. ; У статті досліджено сучасні типології євроскептицизму та проаналізовано їх дискусійні аспекти. З'ясовано, що практично всі типології євроскептицизму мають три спільні змістовні риси: політичну, економічну та рису принципової позиції. Також автор пропонує власну типологію євроскептицизму, відповідно до якої він виділяє радикальний і поміркований євроскептицизм.
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