Open Access BASE2019

Border Management and Migration Controls in Greece


This report presents and analyses the legal system, policies and practices regarding border management and migration control in Greece as a EU and Schengen member state. Since 2011, border management and migration control have significantly expanded in the country. A significant number of events and transformations formed the context of the period in question (2011-2018) such as: the Integrated Border Management Program for Combating Illegal Immigration (2011); the adoption of the Law 3907/2011 regarding the Establishment of an Asylum Service and a First Reception Service; the construction of the Evros fence; the increased arrivals since 2015; the closure of the so-called Western Balkans Corridor; the Joint EU–Turkey Statement of 18 March 2016; the adoption of the Law 4375/2016; and the Hotspot Approach and the Hotspot implementation; and the geographical restriction in the northeastern Aegean islands.

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