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Association of lifestyle factors and neuropsychological development of 4-year-old children


Background: We aimed to assess how lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep, screen viewing, and physical activity, individually, as well as in a combined score, were associated with neuropsychological development in pre-school age children. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 1650 children of 4 years of age, from the Environment and Childhood Project (INMA) population-based birth cohorts in four regions of Spain. Children were classified per a childhood healthy lifestyle score (CHLS) with a range of 0 to 4 that included eating in concordance with the Mediterranean diet (1 point); reaching recommended sleep time (1 point); watching a maximum recommended screen time (1 point); and being physically active (1 point). The McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) were used to test neuropsychological development. Multi-adjusted linear regression models were created to assess the association with the lifestyle factors individually and as a combined score. Results: CHLS was not associated with MSCA general cognitive score (1-point increment = -0.5, 95% CI: -1.2, 0.2). Analyzed by separate lifestyle factors, physical activity had a significant negative association with MSCA score and less TV/screen time had a negative association with MSCA score. Conclusion: In this cross-sectional study, a combined score of lifestyle factors is not related to neuropsychological development at pre-school age. ; Sabadell: This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health [FIS-PI041436]; Instituto de Salud Carlos III [Red INMA G03/176 and CB06/02/0041 and predoctoral grant PFIS 2010, Register FI10/00399]; the Generalitat de Catalunya-CIRIT [1999SGR 00241]; the EU sixth framework project NEWGENERIS [FP6-2003-Food-3-A-016320]; Fundació Roger Torné, and Fundació La Mataró de TV3 (Project No. 090430 and No. 20162210). This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the projects "CP14/00108 and PI16/00261" (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe"). Asturias: This study was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Red INMA G03/176 and CB06/02/0041), FISS-PI042018, FISS-PI09/02311, FISS-PI1302429, OBRA SOCIAL CAJASTUR, and UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO. Guipuzkoa: This study was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI06/0867 and FIS-PS09/00090), Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093 and 2009111069), and the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (DFG06/004 and DFG08/001). Valencia: This study was funded by grants from UE (FP7-ENV-2011 cod 282957 and HEALTH.2010.2.4.5-1, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Red INMA G03/176, CB06/02/0041, FIS-FEDER 03/1615, 04/1509, 04/1112, 04/1931, 05/1079, 05/1052, 06/1213, 07/0314, 09/02647, 11/01007, 11/02591, and CP11/00178), and the Conselleria de Sanitat Generalitat Valenciana; all in Spain. FIS-DENAMIC: PI/11/02038. Jordi Julvez holds the Miguel Servet-II contract (CPII19/00015) awarded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (co-funded by the European Social Fund "Investing in your future").

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