Open Access BASE2022

Optimization of multi-stage thickening of biomass in a demonstrative full–scale microalgae-based wastewater treatment system


This study gathers the results of the operation and optimization of the thickening of microalgal biomass produced at demonstrative scale in photobioreactors fed with agricultural runoff and domestic wastewater. The optimization was conducted during two months. The system consisted in two gravity thickeners connected in series in a multi-stage approach. The objective of thickening was to concentrate the microalgae grown in photobioreactors (total solids (TS) concentration of 0.1–1 g/L) into a biomass with 20 g/L of TS, which was considered optimal for the subsequent anaerobic digestion process. First, the utilization of one single thickener alone allowed to achieve a concentration factor (CF) of 1.9 and recovery efficiency (RE) of 28%. However, the final concentration of TS in the thickened biomass (6.4 g/L) was still much lower than the target concentration. The installation of the second thickener connected in series with the first one significantly improved the overall performance. Indeed, a TS concentration of 26.5 g/L was finally achieved, with an overall CF of 3.6. The results of the study suggest that the multi-stage thickening process is a suitable strategy and it is highly advisable to achieve a successful microalgal biomass thickening at full-scale. In addition, other three points have been identified as key factors to be taken into account for biomass tickening: proper adjustment of the purge flowrate, coordination between purges times and volumes in the different stages, and proper adjustment of the operation of the scrapers. ; The authors would like to thank the European Commission (INCOVER, GA 689242) and the Government of Catalonia (Consolidated Research Group 2017 SGR 1029) for their financial support. E. Uggetti and R. Díez-Montero would also like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Economy for their research grants (RYC2018-025514-I and IJC2019-042069-I, respectively). ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (published version)

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