Open Access BASE2021

Article community risk factors in the COVID-19 incidence and mortality in Catalonia (Spain). A population-based study


The heterogenous distribution of both COVID-19 incidence and mortality in Catalonia (Spain) during the firsts moths of the pandemic suggests that differences in baseline risk factors across regions might play a relevant role in modulating the outcome of the pandemic. This paper investigates the associations between both COVID-19 incidence and mortality and air pollutant concentration levels, and screens the potential effect of the type of agri-food industry and the overall land use and cover (LULC) at area level. ; Quim Zaldo-Aubanell was supported by AGAUR FI fellowship (DOGC num. 7720, of5.10.2018). Marc Saez was partially financed by the SUPERA COVID19 Fund, from SAUN: SantanderUniversidades, CRUE and CSIC, and by the COVID-19 Competitive Grant Program from PfizerGlobal Medical Grants. E. David Pino acknowledge the support of the Spanish government projectCGL2016-75996-R (MICINN) The funding sources did not participate in the design or conduct of thestudy, the collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data, or the preparation, review,or approval of the manuscript. ; Postprint (published version)

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