Open Access BASE2019

Decision support systems (DSS) for wastewater treatment plants: a review of the state of the art


The use of decision support systems (DSS) allows integrating all the issues related with sustainable developmentin view of providing a useful support to solve multi-scenario problems. In this work an extensive review on theDSSs applied to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is presented. The main aim of the work is to provide anupdated compendium on DSSs in view of supporting researchers and engineers on the selection of the mostsuitable method to address their management/operation/design problems. Results showed that DSSs weremostly used as a comprehensive tool that is capable of integrating several data and a multi-criteria perspective inorder to provide more reliable results. Only one energy-focused DSS was found in literature, while DSSs based onquality and operational issues are very often applied to site-specific conditions. Finally, it would be important toencourage the development of more user-friendly DSSs to increase general interest and usability. ; This work is part of a research project supported by grant of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) through the Research project of national interest PRIN2012 (D.M. 28 December 2012 n. 957/Ric – Prot. 2012PTZAMC) entitled "Energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the wastewater treatment plants: a decision support system for planning and management –" in which the first author is the Principal Investigator. In addition, some coauthors acknowledge the partial support of the Industrial Doctorate Programme (2017-DI-006) and the Research Consolidated Groups/Centres Grant (2017 SGR 574) from the Catalan Agency of University and Research Grants Management (AGAUR), from Catalan Government. ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (author's final draft)

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