Open Access BASE2017

Enabling Python to execute efficiently in heterogeneous distributed infrastructures with PyCOMPSs


Python has been adopted as programming language by a large number of scientific communities. Additionally to the easy programming interface, the large number of libraries and modules that have been made available by a large number of contributors, have taken this language to the top of the list of the most popular programming languages in scientific applications. However, one main drawback of Python is the lack of support for concurrency or parallelism. PyCOMPSs is a proved approach to support task-based parallelism in Python that enables applications to be executed in parallel in distributed computing platforms. This paper presents PyCOMPSs and how it has been tailored to execute tasks in heterogeneous and multi-threaded environments. We present an approach to combine the task-level parallelism provided by PyCOMPSs with the thread-level parallelism provided by MKL. Performance and behavioral results in distributed computing heterogeneous clusters show the benefits and capabilities of PyCOMPSs in both HPC and Big Data infrastructures. ; Thiswork has been supported by the Spanish Government (SEV2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2015-65316-P), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272). Javier Conejero postdoctoral contract is co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva Formación postdoctoral fellowship number FJCI- 2015-24651. Cristian Ramon-Cortes predoctoral contract is financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the contract BES-2016-076791. This work is supported by the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab. This work has been supported by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under contract 687584 (TANGO project). ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (author's final draft)

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