Open Access BASE2018

Global Perspectives on Regulatory Measures and CollectionProcedures for Electronic Waste: A Critical Assessment


Extensive usage, new designs, rapid upgrades and short life-spans of electronic devices has resulted in ever growing generation of electronic waste (e-waste) worldwide. Burgeoning volumes of e-waste are becoming a global issue of greatconcern with developing and poor economies rapidly catching up with developed nations. This article presents an overview of regulatory measures being developed and operated across Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas and Africa.Developed economies are more likely to have e-waste regulations and enforceable management systems in place but are relatively inefficient in e-waste collection as compared to poor and developing nations. E-waste collection occurs through channels broadly described as formal and informal sectors. The formal collection occurs largely in developed economies often managed by waste management services operating within national or local e-waste regulations. Informal collection in Africa, China, India and other Asian countries encompasses a range of unregulated and unreported collection arrangements including door to door brokers between households and mid-level scrap dealers, dismantlers and repairers. The opportunities and challenges for the management of e-waste remain complex and vary depending on the local political, cultural and socio-economic waste management issues. With recycling rates still below 20%, these need to evolve further for environmentally and economically sustainable management of e-waste.

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