Open Access BASE2009

Korean Language Education in Australian Schools: Current State, Issues and Strategies


This paper is the outcome of research undertaken to investigate the current state and issues of Korean language programs in Australian schools in relation to the Government's National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program (NALSSP). The aim of this paper is to provide an evidence-based analysis of issues from which stakeholders can draw on as they work towards practices and programs that result in more students undertaking and continuing Korean to Year 12. The following specific objectives are addressed: 1) Present, analyse and discuss the latest available statistical information on Korean language study in schools (schools, teachers and students); 2) Describe factors that support or strengthen Korean language programs in schools; 3) Describe factors and issues that limit or hinder the success of Korean language programs in schools; 4) Provide case studies to identify exemplary or promising practices in Korean language education; and 5) Offer support strategies specific to Korean language education in the current education environment.

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