Open Access BASE2009

Who Buys PV Systems? A survey of NSW residential PV rebate recipients


The PV Rebate Program (now the Solar Homes and Communities Program) operated from 2000 to mid 2009. Over this time, more than 40,000 PV systems were installed, about half of which were installed in the first half of 2009, and about a quarter of which were in NSW. This paper presents analysis of the characteristics of NSW PV rebate recipients, using surveys carried out by the NSW Government between 2000 and 2007, and a 2008 survey undertaken for the Commonwealth Government after it took over Program management. The surveys included questions about customer demographics, energy use and awareness, as well as PV information sources and reason for purchasing PV. The analysis in this paper is limited to grid-connected, residential rebate recipients in NSW, but the findings can be considered representative of the situation in Australia as a whole. Over the life of the Program both the grants and the customer base have changed. The most recent changes to the Program include the doubling of the grant in 2007 and the imposition of a means test in 2008. Variations to customer demographics and investment decisions are evident following these changes. The data provides a useful glimpse into Australian energy knowledge, attitudes and behaviour and hence provides useful guidance for future programs. This paper summarises a much larger report for the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, funded through the Low Emissions Technology and Abatement Program.

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